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Mitel starts new incentive for Q3 and Q4: Mitel Drive

Mitel starts new incentive for Q3 and Q4: Mitel Drive

Mitel starts new incentive for Q3 and Q4: Mitel Drive

Mitel announces the incentive program Mitel Drive for Mitel- and Unify partners. With this incentive channel partners can earn gift cards for every closed opportunity that is registered.

Mitel is challenging their partners with this incentive program to take the wheel and drive forward with determination. The rules are simple: generate opportunities of significant value and ensure they’reclosed before the finish line to earn gift cards. All opportunities with a value of €5000 or more, that are created in the period of 1 August until 30th of September 2024 and are closed before the 16th of December 2024 are rewarded with gift cards.

Terms and conditions
Incentive Period: from 1 August till September 30th 2024 to create new opportunities
Partner Level H. Mitel: All Tier 1 & 2 partners via Businesscom: Platinum, Gold, Silver & Authorized. Partner Level H. Unify: Professional, Master 1, 2 & 3.

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