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Spectralink Introduces New DECT Firmware Update

Spectralink Introduces New DECT Firmware Update

Spectralink Introduces New DECT Firmware Update with Enhanced Safety and Efficiency

Spectralink has rolled out the latest firmware update, S Series Version PCS25A-RA 2025, for its DECT handsets. This update brings key improvements to Lone Worker Safety Mode and power efficiency, ensuring better compliance and user experience.

Stronger Lone Worker Safety – Compliance with BGR-139
Previously, users were not properly alerted when their handset lost connection with the IP-DECT Server. The new update introduces both visual and audio alerts. The handset now flashes a red LED light, displays a warning message, and emits a sound alert until the connection is restored or manually acknowledged. This enhancement is also available for the installed base of 7642 handsets, ensuring compliance with the latest BGR-139 German certification.

Enhanced Safety with BLE iBeacon Interoperability
For even better worker safety, Spectralink has added support for iBeacon detection (from third parties) when the alarm key is pressed. The S35 and S37 handsets now store a rolling list of the strongest iBeacon signals and transmit the last known strongest iBeacon ID upon alarm activation. This data is relayed via the IP-DECT Server XML-RPC API to the Spectralink Mobile Application Partner (MAP) platform, enabling faster and more precise emergency response.

Extended Battery Life with Backlight Adjustments
To help users get the most out of their battery, Spectralink has optimized power consumption by adjusting the default backlight display delay from level 8 (30 seconds) to level 5 (7 seconds). This change extends talk and standby time. The update takes effect after a factory reset (99940), but users experiencing shorter battery life can manually adjust the setting via Handset Menu: Settings > Handset > Backlight > Delay.

Software Assurance Required
To access this update, end-users must have a valid software assurance agreement.
For more details, contact your account manager or visit our website.

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